Andres Tennus

Fair for introducing research groups

We invite all students to the fair where scientists and research groups from the Geography Department introduce their work, projects, and potential thesis topics.

It's a good opportunity to get to know what geographers do and what kind of impact they have on society.

There will be:

Dendrochronology Lab

Dendrokronoloogia laboris viiakse läbi mitmesuguseid uuringuid, mis kõik põhinevad puude aastarõngaste laiuste mustritel.
Tartu kõrgkoolide esindajad Tartu liikuvusnädala rattasõidul.

Join us for a bike ride between the Delta and Maarjamõisa study buildings!

Doktorant kolme minuti loengute konkursil esinemas

Registration for the Three Minute Thesis competition ends on 19 September